Persiana veneciana exterior Sunbreaker 210 fija - RAL 1013 Sunbreaker
/Persiana veneciana exterior Sunbreaker 210 fija
Persiana veneciana exterior Sunbreaker 210 fija
Persiana veneciana exterior Sunbreaker 210 fija

Rompesoles 210 Fijo
The Sunbreaker SB210 Fixed is an external sunshade attached to the façade. The system consists of large aluminium fins fixed in place using brackets. The angle of the fins, adjustable between 30° and 90° (in 15° increments), is determined during installation. The spacing between the fins can be customised but must be no less than 101 mm.

Características del producto
- Debido a su tamaño, el Sistema Fijo Sunbreaker se utiliza principalmente en edificios grandes, especialmente donde no se pueden aplicar guías. Proporciona sombra permanente al tiempo que permite el acceso de luz natural.
- Type B, designed for both horizontal and vertical use – streamlined and enclosed.
- El Sistema Fijo SB210 protege eficazmente contra la luz solar excesiva al tiempo que permite la entrada de luz natural en el interior.
- The fin angle of the fixed Sunbreaker system is set during installation and ranges from 30° to 90° (adjustable in 15° increments). Additionally, the spacing between the fins can be customised but can not be less than 101 mm.
- Apart from its sunshade function, the Sunbreaker System adds a unique decorative element to the building's façade, enhancing the modern appearance of existing structures.
- Disponible en cualquier color de la paleta RAL.
- Las tapas de acero inoxidable cepillado dan al sistema un aspecto elegante y refinado.
¿Como ordenar?
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Instalación ciega
Vea cómo instalar persianas exteriores.